The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says it has facilitated the release of two detainees who were critically injured in the war in Lascanood from the SCC-Khatumo hostage.
The organization outlined that the duo were released on humanitarian ground by the SSC administration.
The two detainees were successfully transferred to Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland for medical treatment.
SSC- Khatumo also corroborated the statement from the ICRC saying that they handed over the two detainees for purposes of receiving best care treatment for their injuries.
SSC-Khaatumo Administration informs all interested parties that we are releasing two detainees captured on August 25 during the war between SSC forces and the Somaliland militias.
The two detainees are critically injured, and we have agreed to hand them over to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on humanitarian grounds, ensuring they get the best care available,” read a statement from the administration.
The administration has pledged to be abide by the international humanitarian law and Somali customs and thanked the ICRC for their pivotal role in the release and transfer of the detainees.
SSC-Khatumo had captured a number of soldiers from the self-declared autonomous region of Somaliland after taking over the strategic Gojacade military base from the Somaliland forces on 25th of last month.